I wanted to do a post on my engagement ring, simply because before my fiance and I got engaged, I was very unsure of what I wanted. I was unsure if I wanted simple or ornate, real diamond or gemstone, gold or rose gold, etc, etc. I searched a TON of sites and stores and couldn't find anything that I fell in love with. Eventually we decided upon the ring below and I couldn't be more happy about our decision.

This is my 1.8 c cushion cut, petite pave Moissanite ring with a blossom halo. Because I generally tend to like large rings, I just couldn't see myself with a tiny little diamond, which really is all we would have been able to afford. To be honest, I was never really one for diamonds, since I find them very overpriced and not altogether worth it. Moissanite is a cheaper alternateive and really looks very much like a diamond, but without the price tag. This is called a MIRA moissanite, which is an upgraded Moissy stone, which lightens it somewhat since moissy can occasionally be somewhat "cloudy". This ring is nothing short of brilliant and sparkles amazingly, as much so as a diamond.

This ring will not set you back nearly as much as a typical diamond ring and is soooo, soo worth the price. I got mine from www.moissaniteco.com and would highly recommend this site. If you are interested in finding out more about moissanite engagement rings, check out the forums on www.weddingbee.com. Many brides these days are taking the moissy route since you get more bang for your buck and there really is very little difference between the two stones. If you have any questions about my ring, my experience with moissaniteco, etc, feel free to comment and I will share!